I Can Say No
In I Can Say No, Jenny Simmons teaches children the power of the word “no.” Whether it’s saying no to bullying or someone invading their personal space or simply to playing with a friend when they need some alone time, children learn that they can use their voice to stand up for what is good in the world, and good for themselves.
As parents and educators, we often teach children to use the word “no” when they are in danger or when someone is trying to harm them. But “no” is powerful in other areas of life, as well. Learning to say “no” without feeling guilty or needing to explain themselves gives children the power to protect their boundaries, energy, convictions, and time. Saying “no” also allows them to create space for saying “yes” to the things that matter most.
By teaching children how to use this small but mighty word, they will be able to face life with confidence, independence, and a positive sense of self-worth!