KinkLab Neon Wand Kit
For years, we’ve longed to bring all of you an electrosex kit, but every kit we tried was either too expensive for most folks, or alternately, of poor quality. Finally, we’ve found a safe and reliable wand for anyone who ever wanted a Violet Wand! The Neon Wand from KinkLab comes complete with four glass attachments to provide a range of sensations, an easy-to-access variable power dial, and a full eight feet of cord. Available with a red or white handle, and either red or purple electrical discharge so you can customize the aesthetics of your e-stim experience. Powerful enough to deliver an intense electrical zap at the higher settings, and gentle enough to merely tickle the skin, the Neon Wand is perfect for beginners and advanced players alike. Be sure to check out other Kink Lab attachments to bring your fun to the next level!
Working Frequency: 50-60HZ
Power: 10W
Materials: PPV Plastic Hardware + Copper Tube + Glass Rods