Teaching Children With Down Syndrome About Their Bodies, Boundaries, and Sexuality
A Guide for Parents and Professionals
Parents may think it’s adorable when their 3-year-old with Down syndrome moons her grandmother or an older child hugs the bus driver. But when that child is a teenage who is ready for his first kiss or hasn’t learned the norms of privacy, it’s a different matter all together.
Author and certified sexual educator Terri Couwenhoven, who is also the mother of a child with Down syndrome, encourages parents to be proactive and talk directly and openly to children, teens, and young adults about their bodies, personal boundaries, privacy, puberty, sexuality, relationships, and abuse prevention.
In an easy-to-read, disarming style, Teaching Children with Down Syndrome about Their Bodies, Boundaries, and Sexuality gives parents the background and confidence to speak comfortable with their children about these sometimes difficult subjects. Each chapter – from Learning about the Body to Friendships and Dating – highlights key points, activities, and parents statements. Extensive appendices contain teaching material and aids, including illustrations of body parts and functions. And because people have different attitudes about sexuality, the author prompts parents to consider their personal and family values on a particular topic before teaching begins.